Catherine is an associate professor of Japanese literature and culture at Michigan State University. Her research and teaching interests include classical Japanese literature, Heian narratives, gender studies, zainichi studies, global studies, and game studies. She is the original inventor of Cube2Cube, a visualization platform for language learning games (U.S. patent, 2015), and the principal investigator of the Tone Perception Efficacy Study (ToPES), the Tone Perception and Production (ToPP) project, and Classical Japanese Grammar Games (CJG2). She is also the concept designer and producer of Picky Birds (1.0, 1.5, and 2.0), a Mandarin tone perception app game (2015-16). Her most recent publications include “Godfroid, A., Lin, C., & Ryu, C (in press). Hearing and seeing tone through color: An efficacy study of web-based, multimodal Chinese tone perception Training, Language Learning). She is currently working on a book project on Hyakunin Isshu to develop a game-based approach to classical Japanese grammar and a multimodal Mandarin digital audio database project with a team of digital humanities librarians at MSU. Since 2012, she has served as MSU’s faculty liaison and coordinator for the Korea Foundation CIC Korean Studies e-School administered by the Nam Center for Korean Studies, University of Michigan. She is the program chair for the International Zainichi Symposium, “The Poetics of Passing: Interrogating Self-Fashioning as the Other in Zainichi Cultural Production,” to be hosted at MSU in Spring 2018.