The Graphic Narratives Network (GNN) is a collaborative research initiative at Michigan State University. It enables an interdisciplinary group of scholars—both faculty and students—to work collaboratively on topics related to graphic narration in its various forms: comics, graphic novels, photo-essays, animation, and film. Working across languages and cultures, we seek to advance scholarship on verbal-visual texts. Our major activities include internal working sessions and public-facing symposia, as well as the digitization of source materials from MSU’s unique International Comic Art Collection. One targeted outcome of the project is this rich website that will be an interactive scholarly forum, showcasing research and pedagogy concerned with the hybrid form of graphic narratives.
More about the GNN
This interdisciplinary network was founded in 2017 by faculty members with a shared interest in text-image studies and who are working in German, French and Francophone, and Japanese Studies and in Art, Art History, and Design. We are in the process of expanding to include faculty in English, History, and Journalism, and we are interested in international partnerships.
Bios of GNN Members